Friday, June 15, 2012

From Stripes to Green!

Our first caterpillar pupated (went into the chrysalis stage) yesterday during the day! A day later, we have 11 beautiful green chrysalides! Over the past couple of weeks since we first found monarch eggs and caterpillars, we have harvested a lot of milkweed leaves and cleaned a lot of caterpillar feces out of the cages and containers in order to keep our caterpillars as well-fed and healthy as possible.

Last night was another big 'first' for us as well. We were actually able to watch two of the caterpillars shed their skin to reveal the green chrysalis underneath. It was absolutely amazing to watch the little miracle take place!

We will try to post more photos soon. Meanwhile, we anxiously await the day our new monarchs will emerge from their chrysalides! The big day should come just under two weeks from now!

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